
「我覺得我們只是愛情的新手而已。」-- Raymond Carver

真正的愛情,是在能愛的時候,懂得珍惜,是在無法愛的時候,懂得放手。 --章子怡



終於""起心肝, 辭職,轉工...離開呢一""第一步. 由心中有小小驚,到今日平平靜靜開始收拾行裝,  
我都有所悟. 平時自己太過緊張自己的成績,搞到成日食慾不振,睡眠不足, 都係un-chi-chi
"今次轉工之后真係要增肥10", 一路執野一路同自己講.

做什麼事情"太多"都會有反效果, ""緊張, ""在意, ""多顧累, ""多意見, ""喜歡. 要知道, 呢啲大道理我真係差不多用咗我半生精力去明白, 而今次真係講咗就要做, 要擁有一顆平常心, 同埋, 要有一個冷靜頭腦....



One day in Kyoto

First time in Kansei, first time in Osaka and first day in Kyoto .

(Jaime insists to make
version, like grandma's)

As there are many big and nice temples in Kyoto , my friend, Jaime,  and I decided to take the riding trip by bicycle. When are the last time you ride the bike? I guess mine was around 4 to 5 years ago. I am a bit worried....but also excited. 
WE decide to have a short trip around the city starting from the JR Kyoto station and visit Kiyomizudera Temple ....also try to take picture with Geisha(comparing their white faces  :P) 



After 5.5 hours riding and stopping having rest....we experienced a very special way to have the site seeing not from bus, not from train and not evening walking....I could enjoy the sun and the breeze in the same time with speed... 
And I did have picture with A lovely Geisha.
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